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Did you know that your oral health is directly related to your overall health? A nutritious meal at lunchtime plays an important role in your (and your family’s) energy and focus throughout the day and could make a big difference on their overall health. Packing a teeth-friendly, healthy lunch doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming so long as you plan ahead. Here are a few easy tips to keep you and your family’s teeth and gums healthy at lunchtime:

Crunchy veggies

Crunchy vegetables—like carrots, cucumbers, celery, and broccoli—are probably the best snack for your teeth, period! The high water content of these vegetables helps dilute natural sugars in your mouth and washes away food particles while you eat. The easiest way to make veggies even yummier is to include a dip like hummus or salsa.


Cheese is high in calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that help keep tooth enamel strong. Cheese also increases saliva in your mouth, which acts as a natural defense against cavities and gum disease. Other dairy products, like milk or yogurt, are also good things to pack!

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are arguably one of the healthiest protein sources you can eat. They’re an excellent source of healthy fats, vitamin D, calcium, fiber and folic acid. You already know calcium is good for your teeth but folic acid also plays a major role in keeping your gums healthy.


Extra protein is always a good idea! Protein can help keep your tooth enamel strong. Try making whole-wheat sandwiches with a lean meat such as chicken or turkey.


Fruits that are high in fiber, like apples, bananas, and strawberries, act like a natural toothbrush while you bite and chew. Just be wary of dried fruits or fruit juices, which contain a lot of artificial sugars.


Try to include water in your lunch! Water not only hydrates your body, it also helps create more saliva in your mouth which means less tooth decay and stronger tooth enamel.

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Time for a checkup? Make an appointment with us today. We look forward to helping you and your family learn more about healthy choices for a beautiful smile!