Do you have trouble brushing your teeth twice a day? You’re not alone.
Set a Reminder
While your phone is a fun place to unwind with viral videos and internet surfing, it’s also a great tool for creating a routine. Set a reminder to alert you twice a day to brush your teeth—once when you wake up and another just before you turn in for the night.
Choose a Theme Song
Pick a fun song to brush your teeth to and you’ll be dancing right into a new brushing routine.
Create a Smile Diary
Want to see how your teeth get healthier over time? Snap a photo every day after you brush in the morning and review the photos every 30 days. This can help motivate you and create fun content to share on your social media channels.
Bet Yourself
Set aside an amount of money and bet it on your brushing. If you don’t stick to your routine for the next 30 days, the money goes to a charity of your choosing. If you do stick it, the money is yours to spend however you want. You’ll be treating yourself and your smile!
Partner Up
Make brushing a team event. Invite your significant other to create healthy smiles together with a shared routine.
Ask Your Dentist
Are all the tips and tricks in the world not working? Schedule an appointment with us today. We’ll give you the tools and knowledge you need to start a brushing routine you’ll love to keep.