With upwards of 40 million Americans having issues with grinding their teeth, it’s no wonder teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) is such a big issue…and most people don’t even realize they have it. If you wake up with headaches or a sore jaw, chances are you’ve been grinding your teeth in your sleep, wearing away at your enamel. Here are 3 ways to stop grinding your teeth and save your natural smile.
Get Moving
Bruxism and stress go hand in hand. Exercise offers a stress relief, giving you the chance to deplete your stress at the gym instead of taking it out on your teeth.
Relax Before Bed
Giving yourself the time to relax before heading to sleep is a great way to decrease teeth grinding. A few ways to relax:
- Avoid screen time at least 60 minutes before bed
- Take a warm bath, which helps relax your jaw muscle
- Apply a heating pad to your jaw while you read
- Sip on an herbal tea (caffeine-free) to warm up your mouth and your jaw muscles
Get a Nighttime Mouth Guard
If exercise and relaxing aren’t enough, a custom nighttime mouth guard is a sure-fire way to keep you from grinding your teeth while you’re counting sheep. At Fernandez Family Dentistry, we can fit you with a custom mouth guard that will save you lots of headaches (literally) and save you money on cavities down the road by keeping your enamel intact.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Are you ready to stop the long-term effects of teeth grinding? If so, make an appointment with us today. We’re glad to send you on your way with a happy, healthy smile.